The ending or summary appears in the descriptive work. Usually, we start with a reminder of the topic as well as the purpose of the work, in order to smoothly move on to the reminder in brief what we described / what we came to in each chapter. All this to finally suggest further thoughts / hypotheses / studies. But how to write a conclusion?
How to write a conclusion
The ending and conclusions appear at the end of the research work. Similarly to descriptive works, one can start from supplementing with conclusions or one-sentence introduction to conclusions (calculations), at the end of which there will also be a short summary sentence.
Details should be avoided, because they should be in the chapters of the work. In contrast, we give numbers when necessary. The ending should show that we can generalize and look at the subject from a distance.

What exactly should be included in the end of the thesis
- Make reference to the topic, the subject of the thesis and the hypothesis (here you should briefly and concisely present the content of the thesis – i.e. return to what you wrote about; to be precise: the subject, the subject of the thesis and the previously hypothesis – subject to verification).
- Present the purpose of the diploma thesis (here you should accurately recall the purpose of your thesis and write at least in one sentence whether you managed to achieve this goal).
- Summarize the individual chapters briefly and matter-of-factly (this is a concise sketch of what you wrote in the following chapters and what conclusions you drew from them. If the work was of a research nature, it is good to list the research methods used and their verifiability and the results obtained thanks to them. Include a brief description of the bachelor’s thesis, master’s thesis or engineering thesis – literature, and indicate which book was particularly important during the creation of your work … without which author it would be impossible to write, … etc …).
- Introduce the thesis (in the end, there should be a clear emphasis on the thesis as the final result of the research. The thesis must be confirmed or refuted, while supported by appropriate arguments. You must know that the thesis you will make in the summary of the thesis; it may not differ significantly from the initial thesis.
- A brief description of what intentions you have achieved in your thesis and which were impossible to achieve for objective reasons – why? (Because, for example – the company “XYZ” refused to provide the necessary documents or the director of the institution changed his mind and did not want to continue cooperation …)
- Include conclusions from the whole thesis and a summary of the purposefulness of the conducted research, as well as write about: possible possibilities of continuing further considerations on the subject of the thesis; propose the expected direction of development of the discussed field or a possible proposal to continue studies on the given issue.